*Warning - this book begins with a non-graphic depiction of rape and torture that may be a trigger for some people*
Scarlet Fury is more than just a romance - it is Madalaina (Mads) story of coming out of a very bad mental place and finding herself in the darkness. There are subtle and not so subtle lessons about life on every page and I really enjoyed watching her overcome. I thought Blackwood did a brilliant job of showing the struggle and how hard it is to get your life back after an experience like this.
But this is a romance. Cleary is perfect for Mads, but she's not sure she will ever be whole enough again to be worth his time. He has to prove to her that it he wants her no matter what. It was really quite beautiful.
We also get to see more into the political world of these paranormals and more about the over-all series story arc as well. It was a great second story and this world is fascinating to read about.